Covid-19 Activity

Covid-19 Activity

Talos Luxury Suites taking into account the instructions of the Ministry of Tourism for the implementation of new health protocols in tourist accommodation in the country because of their reopening in the context of the new reality created by Covid-19 disease proceeds to the preparation of Protocol. The Protocol includes the development of an Action Plan and the development of a Suspected Case Management Plan within the accommodation. The Action Plan aims to prevent the occurrence and effective management of suspicious cases to reduce the expansion of staff and guests, always following the current guidelines of the National Public Health Organization. The Action Plan complies with the recommendations of EODY and will be revised according to the developments. Our goal is to maintain the Action Plan of the Suspected Case Management Plan to protect the staff and our guests and on the other hand to guide the staff to take the necessary measures to prevent and protect against COVID-19 disease.

These include:
Measures of personal hygiene and Personal Protective Equipment Management takes measures to implement good personal hygiene practices (both by employees and third parties) in the workplace and oversees their continued implementation.

Informs and encourages staff and third parties to comply with good personal and respiratory hygiene practices (hand washing – cleaning, nose, and mouth covering during coughing or sneezing with a tissue, etc.). and required materials-media, such as antiseptic solutions (in the form of liquid, foam, gel, soaked wipes) and hand dryers (disposable handkerchiefs) for employees and installs appropriate mechanisms for hand antiseptic at entrances/exits and utility Accommodation, emphasizes the cases where employees come in contact with the general public. special instructions/directions of EODY, the National Committee for the Protection of Public Health, and decisions of competent bodies. Supervises the adequacy of the stocks in MAP. Trains the staff for the safe use of MAP based on the instructions of EODY and supervises their proper use. Supervises the attendance of third parties (eg customers, associates, distributors, etc.) in the area of the accommodation and informs them to avoid overcrowding, to ensure the observance of the required distances, and to use the MAP.

It forms a program of gradual, rolling attendance and respectively departure of employees to avoid congestion and to ensure the observance of the required distances. It gives constant information to the staff, in any convenient way, such as e.g. oral information, posting announcements or information/reminder signs for personal hygiene and preventive measures in all areas, online, etc.

It trains the required actions of the employees themselves in case of suspicious symptoms, such as the immediate notification of the health officer and the Administration for the prevention of the spread of Covid-19 and the prescribed isolation. Informs and trains staff on specific cleaning instructions in the event of an accident.

1) the person remains in his room with the door closed
2) it is immediately given a simple surgical mask and protective tissues
3) if there is a companion who wishes to stay close to him, a simple surgical mask is given and a recommendation is made to wash his hands thoroughly after every contact with the suspected case and not to touch his face.
4) It is forbidden for members of the staff to enter the room and only one member of the staff deals with the customer’s requests.
5) the used personal protective equipment is discarded in a closed bin
6) after discarding the protective equipment, meticulous hand washing follows. It provides individually packaged snacks to staff in an open area and ensures staff avoidance by creating a scrolling schedule.

Accommodation file and Contract Book not considered for public health protection actions, the accommodation address keeps a record of staff members and all persons residing in the hotel (name, nationality, date of arrival and departure, contact details such as an address, telephone, email), so that it is possible to communicate with close contacts in the event of a COVID-19 crash, which may be identified afterward. There is a provision for safety and security under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and all visitors and staff are informed that a file is kept for reasons of public health protection. There is also a record and update of the COVID-19 Incident Book in the slot. Employees

Each staff member strictly adheres to the basic protection measures against Covid-19.
– Specifically, employees must practice good personal and respiratory hygiene practices, frequent handwashing with soap and water for at least 40 seconds, before and after contact with money or customer items, before meals, before and after work breaks, after from visiting the toilet and carefully drying your hands with disposable paper towels and disposing of them in the trash.

– Alternatively, use alcohol-based antiseptics containing at least 60% ethyl alcohol or 70% balancing alcohol. Covering the nose and mouth during cough or sneezing cough with a tissue / alternatively if this is not available, cover the mouth with the middle of the elbow.

– Disposal of tissues or other personal hygiene items or means used to disinfect work surfaces in a closed bin.

– Avoidance of handshakes and generally close physical contact, keeping a distance of at least two meters from colleagues, customers, or third parties in all workplaces, accommodation, and rest areas.

– Avoid touching the front of the mask or face shield.

– Avoid touching with the hands of the person.

Informing a health officer in case of illness or symptoms compatible with Covid-19 infection or contact with a possible or confirmed case and removal from the workplace.

– Staying at home in case of illness and informing the health officer.

– Return to the workplace only if the laboratory test is negative and after 14 days after close contact with a confirmed Covid-19 case.

Reception service

– The staff takes the necessary hygiene measures, keeps distances of at least 2 meters from customers, and follows the rules of hygiene.

When requested, there is a possibility:

– Informing visitors about the policy of the accommodation and the measures it has taken to deal with any incidents

– Providing useful information for health providers, public and private hospitals, reference hospitals for COVID-19 and pharmacies in the area and-

– Providing Personal Protective Equipment if and when requested by the customer.

Special equipment (medical kit) for the occurrence of an incident, such as gloves and disposable masks, antiseptics, cleaning wipes, apron, robe, laser thermometer. The special kit is equipped and installed at a point behind the reception of  Talos Luxury Suites and all those responsible for compliance with the program and staff are informed about its use.

– The staff can recognize customer symptoms and report it directly to the health manager.

– There is an antiseptic for use by the client in the socket.

– The regular disinfection of the reception surfaces is applied.

– Informing visitors about the policy of the accommodation and the measures it has taken to deal with any incidents

– Providing useful information for health providers, public and private hospitals, reference hospitals for COVID-19 and pharmacies in the area and-

– Informing visitors about the policy of the accommodation and the measures it has taken to deal with any incidents
– Providing useful information for health providers, public and private hospitals, reference hospitals for COVID-19 and pharmacies in the area and-
– Providing Personal Protective Equipment if and when requested by the customer.
Special equipment (medical kit) for the occurrence of an incident, such as gloves and disposable masks, antiseptics, cleaning wipes, apron, robe, laser thermometer. The special kit is equipped and installed at a point behind the reception of Talos Luxury Suites and all those responsible for compliance with the program and staff are informed about its use.
– The staff can recognize customer symptoms and report it directly to the health manager.
– There is an antiseptic for use by the client in the socket.
– The regular disinfection of the reception surfaces is applied.
The reception desk is located outdoors and the distances are strictly maintained
– There is a marking to maintain a distance of two meters where the customer stands, and a suitable marking of distances in the waiting area.

– The arrangement of the furniture is modified and the correct management of the people who are expected to be served to reduce the waiting time and maintain safe distances.
– Deposit of a credit card in a special box for use by the receptionist. Provide antiseptic for disinfection after use.
– Promotion for electronic payment of accommodation expenses, electronic shipping
bills, invoices, and receipts (cash acceptance in exceptional cases).
– Disinfection of key cards – their placement in a special container for disinfection after use.
– Extension of check-in and check-out between stays. Check-out until 11:00 a.m. and check-in from 15:00 p.m. The time between each check-in and check-out ensures that between different customers the room is cleaned, thoroughly disinfected with steam and adequate natural ventilation of the space is followed.
– It is strictly forbidden to enter the rooms for non-residents in the accommodation.
Floor & room services
– Cleaning staff uses a simple surgical mask, gloves, and a disposable waterproof robe. After removing the MAP, it is necessary to wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water and to dispose of them in a closed bin.
– Cleans and disinfects all hard surfaces, floors, chairs, knobs, etc. with disposable cloths/fabrics or cleaning paper and wipes with detachable heads and also with steam. Discarded equipment is treated as a possible contaminant and is disposed of in special bags. the use of 0.1% sodium hypochlorite (1:50 dilution if 5% of home chlorine is used) after cleaning with a neutral detergent. For surfaces that may be damaged by the use of sodium hypochlorite, it is necessary to use ethanol at a concentration of 70% after cleaning with a neutral detergent. The cleaning should be done using the appropriate personal protective equipment.
The right way to implement and dispose of the equipment must be followed. 0.1% sodium hypochlorite is used after cleaning with a neutral detergent. For surfaces that may be damaged by the use of sodium hypochlorite, it is necessary to use ethanol with a concentration of 70% after cleaning with neutral detergent, we use only certified liquids for the safest work of the staff and the stay of customers. -During the use of disinfectants, the area is well ventilated. Avoid splashing and spraying during cleaning and disinfection.

Cleanliness and disinfection in the event of an outbreak:
– All surfaces that may have been contaminated and all objects that are visibly soiled/contaminated with body fluids are washed and disinfected according to the above instructions,
– The cleaning staff uses a simple surgical mask, gloves, and a waterproof disposable robe. As long as it works, it does not touch the face with its hands, does not smoke, does not eat. Handwashing with soap and water.
– In all public areas, health services are strengthened, especially in “high risk” facilities. Thorough cleaning and very good room ventilation are applied during the hours between stays.
– Checking the proper operation of clothes about the temperature used and the dosage of detergents.
– There is discreet monitoring by Customer Management with symptoms for management.
– Do not clean the room frequently during the stay (avoid contact of cleaning staff with possible cases and further transmission).

For departures, 2 protocols apply:

Normal cleaning and waiting 24 hours before the room is available to a customer or Meticulous cleaning – disinfection of the rooms and bathrooms in question. Decorative objects are removed. Commonly used multi-purpose items are removed. All note blocks – leaflets, etc. are removed from the rooms. A special disposable cover is placed on the TV and air conditioner controls after disinfection.

The fabric surfaces are cleaned with a 70 ° steam device. Opening doors and windows for natural ventilation of the space daily. Liquid antiseptics are placed in each room for indoor use.

Environmental measures

Environmental measures to reduce the spread of the virus include:

– Signing to remind customers to keep their distance.

– Return of furniture to avoid overcrowding in public areas (4 people / 10 sq.m.). – Removal of decorative objects and common objects of multiple-use.

– Cleaning and disinfection of all surfaces.

– Reduction of overcrowding in toilets.
Marking in the toilets to limit airborne transmission.
Air Conditioning and Ventilation
The replacement of filters for household units (split units) will be done according to the planned maintenance and the work will be performed using and taking all protective measures (personal protective equipment, space ventilation, safe collection of replaced filters) including respiratory protection.

Coronavirus disease COVID-19 case management

If a visitor or hotel employee shows symptoms compatible with COVID-19 infection, the following applies:

  • The doctor with whom the tourist accommodation cooperates for the evaluation of the incident is called, Ms. Dr. ALEVIZAKI BELFIORI PARASKEVI (SP INTERNAL MEDICINE) phone 28210/20795 cell phone 6972694440 email allows it to a local Health Unit, after first notifying this Unit by phone.• If the patient has an urgent need for hospitalization, presents a severe clinical picture, is referred to the relevant health unit, as a suspected case of COVID-19. If it is not possible to manage a COVID-19 case from the health infrastructure of the area, there must be a provision for transporting the patient (EKAB, floating ambulance, air transport) to the nearest health unit which can manage it.
  • If the patient has a mild clinical picture, according to the clinical assessment, a sample for laboratory confirmation of COVID-19 is obtained from the patient.
  • If the incident is confirmed as COVID-19, the hotel health officer communicates IMMEDIATELY with EODY at 210 5212054 or the special four-digit number 1135 (24 hours a day), for a statement of the case and instructions for dealing with it. The physician must declare the confirmed case through the COVID-19 Register. In case of an inability to use the Register platform, the case may be declared to the Department of Epidemiological Surveillance of EODY through the Compulsory Declaration system (see
  • The patient with a mild clinical picture remains in his room until the results of the laboratory test are announced.
  • During the above wait, the entry of staff into the patient’s room is avoided if there is no significant reason. If necessary, a staff member of the accommodation is advised to deal exclusively with the possible case.
  • The doctor and hotel staff who enter the room of the suspected or later confirmed case must use a MAP. The doctor uses a high-protection MAP (high-protection mask, goggles or mask, waterproof disposable robes) if, in his judgment, there is a possibility of exposure to an infectious aerosol (eg managing a patient who coughs uncontrollably and is unable to use a mask). Cleaning staff, who will clean the room of a patient with COVID-19, must wear a mask, gloves, protective goggles, as well as goggles or a mask if there is a risk of biological fluids or chemical detergents being sprayed.
  • If confirmed as a COVID case, it should be isolated according to current regulations (see Confirmation of Confirmed COVID-19 Outpatient Case) and treated as a confirmed COVID-19 out-of-hospital case, reimbursed or transferred to a single health facility. hospitalization. If not confirmed as a case of COVID-19, it is treated at the hotel with the instructions of the attending physician.
  • The patient is transported or transported by vehicle (with the appropriate use of MAP) to the specific isolation area or the local Health Unit after this Unit has been notified by telephone.
  • If there is a companion of the patient, who wishes to stay close to him to take care of him (eg spouse), he should be given a simple surgical mask and advised to wash his hands every time he comes in contact with secretions of the patient (eg saliva) and definitely before the attendant touches his face or eats or drinks.
  • The contact details of the patient’s relative should always be recorded in case medical consent is required if the patient cannot communicate.
  • Used protective equipment (simple disposable surgical mask, gloves) should be discarded in a bucket and never used again.
  • Hands should be washed thoroughly with soap and water after disposing of protective equipment. It is emphasized that the use of gloves does not replace hand washing, which is a very important means of prevention.
  • Cleaning and disinfection of the room and other common areas according to the instructions of EODY:

A good cleaning of surfaces, often touched by the patient, especially if the surfaces are soiled with biological fluids. The cleaning staff uses a simple surgical mask, gloves, and a disposable waterproof robe. After removing the gloves, good hand washing follows. The fabric surfaces are cleaned with a steam device (temperature 70.).

Tourist Accommodation Action Plan

Detailed instructions for the development of the action plan can be found in Special health protocols on the basis of which tourism companies operate in the context of taking measures against the corona COVID-19.

Travel insurance

Travelers are strongly recommended to travel insurance coverage including COVID-19 management (medical examination, laboratory diagnosis, hospitalization, and health care costs, health insurance coverage for an extended stay due to quarantine) or isolation and rehab.

We emphasize that the instructions can be modified according to the development of the epidemic and based on the decisions/circulars of the competent Ministries.
